Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Update - RSS feed added to yahoo 360 page

I have added to RSS feed for this blog to my yahoo 360 page also.

If you haven't been there already then follow the link below:


It has almost all my photographs there.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Myth # 1 : The IT industry requires & hires the best

Now that's not quite true.

The reason is simple, the IT industry does not require the best. So why should it hire them? Whenever you join a company, you'll be told in the induction session, "We believe in hiring the best" huh... how do so many of them manage to find 'THE BEST' in tens of thousands every year?

What the industry requires is people who are reasonably intelligent, are hard working, can speak, read and write English and all this can be ignored if you have some experience.

The people who come close to being the best almost always are frustrated when they find out that the job they are doing does not even require an engineer. In a majority of cases it's repititive and no fun at all.

This is when the quest for onsite opportunities begins but we'll tackle that in another post.